This Christmas Cleaning Company Makes Life Easier for Women Living with Cancer.

Cleaning Company Makes Life Easier for Women Living with Cancer

Sept 17/2016 – If you’re a woman undergoing cancer treatment, you now have one less thing to worry about.   Dirtfreehouse ltd   cleaning service that uses only environmentally safe, non-toxic cleaning products will clean your home for free.

The local cleaning service has partnered with Cleaning for a Reason, the nation’s first non-profit organization dedicated to providing free house cleaning services for women undergoing cancer treatment.

“Dealing with cancer is difficult enough,” says Teona jgerenaia founder and owner of Dirtfreehouse Ltd , who speaks from personal experience following his own Grandfather struggle with cancer. “Knowing we can help families during trying times is profoundly gratifying.”

As the local chapter member for the Cleaning for a Reason Foundation,  dirtfreehouse ltd has committed to providing four (4) free housecleaning visits once a month for up to four months to women undergoing treatment for cancer. Open slots still exist in the program.

“Right now we have two women that participate in this program who we clean for on a regular basis. We can take up to four (4) women at one time, so we want others to know this service is available,” says Teona, whose customers have been deeply affected by the company’s charitable offer.

“I cannot express how wonderful it is to have someone come and clean my home, it helps ease the burden considerably,” says Theresa Diaz, a single mother with a 7 1⁄2 year old son who is undergoing treatment for cancer. “There’s nothing like surgery and radiation to kill your will to mop and vacuum. I have been genuinely moved by the kindness of Teona’s staff. Their work makes a huge difference.”

for more information about company offer  please contact




Hello my name is Teona I run small cleaning company , I just decided to start my own blog that I can share some cleaning tips for you guys , I very new here I hope you guys find my blog very helpfully

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